Ebook pre-order - Career Boost: 9 Certification Advantages

Stand out and excel in any career with certifications.

In a world where employment competitiveness, income growth, challenging business environments, and academic success are all on the rise, certifications offer people optimism. You can get recognised for your specific knowledge or skill set by participating in certification and continuing education programmes. This is a significant benefit when attempting to land particular clients or projects.

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that I am currently working on a Non-fiction ebook titled "Career Boost: 9 Certification Advantages—Stand out and excel in any career with certifications."

Launching soon...

By October 31, 2023, this will be live on Amazon. The one-time discounted price for this eBook is Rs 49 (Rupees forty-nine).

Pre- order your copies right away at the discounted price. Once it is released, an email with details will arrive in your mailbox.

Additionally, you can gift the eBook (Kindle edition) to your well-wishers, clients, family members, co-employees, etc.,

Please be aware that, depending on the payment method you select, you might have to pay a small additional convenience fee to the payment gateway at the time of checkout.

Kindly proceed to buy the eBook. You are advised to take screen-shots of the payment process and save them for future reference.


  1. Before you check out, make sure you've read the frequently asked questions (FAQs) as well as the disclaimer.
  2. If you are giving this Kindle book(s) as a gift to others, please include all group member's' names and WhatsApp numbers in the optional field "Additional information". 
  3. Note that the Kindle Books can only be redeemed by recipients in India.

Suryanarayana SV

Self-published Author #Self MOTIVATION 111 


Updated: September 26, 2023





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